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Best Unlimited Data and Calls Plan Malaysia
Monday, 14 January 2019
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 23 January 2019 )

If you're looking for a mobile data plan that comes with unlimited data and/or calls and sms, you have come to the right place.

Do note that some of these plans have its own catch. Even though the telcos claim that it is unlimited, there is usually some kind of restriction in place under the pretext of "Fair Usage" or "Acceptable Usage". For example, U Mobile GX30 Giler Unlimited Prepaid plan has a throttled download speed of 3Mbps, which is only mentioned in the T&C. Digi Postpaid Infinite Plans is not really infinite, particularly if you approach 1TB, as claimed by some on their community forum (here, here and here). Also the unlimited data usually does not include tethering/hotspot data, so if you are planning to use it as a home broadband, you might as well just skip it.

Same with unlimited calls. They usually only include calls to local landline and mobile numbers, but often exludes numbers such as 1-300, 1-700, 600 and calls to TM100, among others.

Most of the unlimited plans are postpaid, but there also some prepaid plans, if you want more flexibility.

I have created two comparison tables. The first is a comparison of Unlimited Data plans while the second table is a comparison of Unlimited Call (some with Unlimited SMS too) plans.

Do note that it is not practical to list every single plans out there. Many of the postpaid plans come in several pricing schemes. I listed down the cheapest plan there is to get the Unlimited Data or Unlimited Calls. Also note that the pricing is based on the monthly cost. It does not include packages that include a phone or option to purchase a phone below market value when tied to a long term contract.

** Updated 20 Jan 2019 with Tune Talk's new Value Prepaid plan and ONEBXOX B39PLUS20 plan. **

** Updated 23 Jan 2019 with Hotlink Postpaid Flex Basic and Yes Konfem 4G Addon. **

Unlimited Data Plans

Scroll/Drag to the right for more ⇉⇉

Plan Name
Monthly Cost
Calls & SMS
Telco Digi Digi ookyo U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile Unifi Mobile Yes
Plan Name Inifite Postpaid 100 Infinite Postpaid 150 Prepaid GX30 Prepaid GX50 Postpaid Hero Postpaid P99 Unlimited Hero P139 Postpaid Ultimate Plan Postpaid Konfem 4G Addon
Monthly Cost RM 100 RM 150 RM 30 RM 30 (30 days) RM 50 RM 99 RM 139 RM 99 RM 30
Data - Unlimited Data (up to 10Mbps)

- 20GB Tethering / Hotspot
- Extra data at RM10 for 5GB
- Unlimited Data (High Speed)
- Unlimited Tethering / Hotspot
- Unlimited Data for any 4 apps
- 8GB high speed data for everything else
- 500MB basic internet
- Uses VPN (for Android only)
- Unlimited Data (3Mbps)
- Turbo Booster @ RM5 for 24 hours

- 3GB Tethering / Hotspot
- RM3 for 3GB for 3 days
- Unlimited Data (5Mbps)
- Turbo Booster @ RM5 for 24 hours

- 5GB Tethering / Hotspot
- RM3 for 3GB for 3 days
- Unlimited Data (No speed cap)
- 30GB Tethering/Hotspot
- Unlimited Video
- Unlimited Data (No speed cap)
- 50GB Tethering / Hotspot
- Unlimited HD Video
- Unlimited Data for 4G/LTE Only
- 10GB Tethering / Hotspot
- Unlimited Data for 4G/LTE Only (at 4Mbps)
- Tethering / Hotspot Not Allowed
Calls & SMS - Unlimited Calls
- 300 SMS

- SMS: 10sen
- Unlimited Calls
- 1000 SMS

- SMS: 10sen
Calls: 15sen/30sec
SMS: 15sen/sms

RM8 for unlimited calls and sms
- 10 minutes local calls to U Mobile numbers daily

- Call: 14sen/30 sec
- SMS: 12sen/sms
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 10 sen
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 10 sen
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 10 sen
- Unlimited Calls & SMS - Free unlimited Yes-to-Yes Calls and SMS

- Calls: 9 sen/min
- SMS: 9 sen/sms
Others 5GB and 60 mins calls roaming to 10 countries for RM10 5GB and 60 mins calls roaming to 10 countries   Promotion: RM5 rebate for 6 months for port-in (as of 14 Jan 2019) Promotion: RM10 rebate for 12 months for port-in (as of 14 Jan 2019) 3GB Roaming Data to 12 destinations 3GB Roaming Data to 36 destinations    
Website Digi Digi ookyo U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile Unifi Yes
Telco Digi Digi ookyo U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile U Mobile Unifi Mobile Yes

Unlimited Calls Plan

Scroll/Drag to the right for more ⇉⇉

Plan Name
Monthly Cost
Calls & SMS
Telco Celcom Celcom Digi Hotlink Maxis ookyo Tune Talk U Mobile U Mobile Unifi Mobile XOX
Plan Name Gold Postpaid Xpax Postpaid Postpaid 58 Postpaid Flex Basic MaxisONE Plan 98 Prepaid Value Prepaid Giler GX50 Postpaid Hero Postpaid P38 Ultimate Plan Postpaid B39PLUS20
Monthly Cost RM 80 RM 50 RM 58 RM 30 RM 98 RM 38 (30 days) RM 30 RM 50 RM 38 RM 99 RM 59
Data - 10GB Weekday + 10GB Weekend

- 30GB Video
- Unlimited Whatsapp & WeChat
- 10GB

- 10GB (5GB All Day + 5GB Weekend)

- 10GB Youtube

- 1GB Internet Rollover
- 1GB High Speed Internet

- Unlimited Social: RM10
- Unlimited Music: RM10
- Unlimited Chat: RM5
- Additional 4GB: RM10
- 30GB (15GB + 15GB Weekend Only) - Unlimited Data for any 4 apps
- 8GB high speed data for everything else
- 500MB basic internet
- Uses VPN (for Android only)
- 10GB Basic Internet
- 1GB Booster @ RM5
- Unlimited Data (5Mbps)
- 5GB Tethering / Hotspot
- 4GB
- Unlimited Waze
- Unlimited Data for 4G/LTE Only
- 10GB Tethering / Hotspot
- 12GB High Speed Internet
Calls & SMS - Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 20sen
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 15sen
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 10sen
- Unlimited Calls & SMS
- Unlimited Calls & SMS
- Monthly cost RM30 plus RM8 for unlimited calls and sms - Unlimited Calls
- 500 SMS
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 10 sen
- Unlimited Calls
- SMS: 3 sen (U Mobile)
- SMS: 8 sen (Others)
- Unlimited Calls & SMS - Unlimited Calls
- 100 SMS
Others 5% discount for Auto Debit 5% discount for Auto Debit         - RM30 Top Up for 30 days validity
- RM33RM100 for 1 year validity
Promotion: RM10 rebate for 12 months for port-in (as of 14 Jan 2019)     Burn Proof - All unused data, minutes and SMS will be carried forward forever
Website Celcom Celcom Digi Hotlink Maxis ookyo Tune Talk U Mobile U Mobile Unifi XOX
Telco Celcom Celcom Digi Hotlink Maxis ookyo Tune Talk U Mobile U Mobile Unifi Mobile XOX


The Best Unlimited Data Plan:

Limited speed: U Mobile GX30 at RM30 per month (RM25 with rebate), speed limited to 3Mbps.

High Speed: Tie between U Mobile Hero Postpaid P99 (RM99 per month), Digi Infinite Postpaid 100 (RM100) and Unifi Mobile Ultimate Plan (RM99), comes with Unlimited Calls too.

Unlimited Tethering: Digi Infinite Postpaid 150 at RM150 per month with Unlimited Calls too.

The Best Unlimited Calls Plan:

Prepaid: Tune Talk Prepaid at RM30 per month.

Postpaid: Tie between Hotlink Postpaid Flex Basic at RM30 per month, 1GB High Speed Data and U Mobile Hero Postpaid P38 at RM38 per month, 4GB monthly data.



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