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Damansara Heights Rojak Print
(37 votes)

This would conclude the trilogy of the best rojak in the core Damansara area that I know of. The best fruit rojak I know of in the Damansara area with my personal ranking are:
1. Damansara Utama (DU)
2. Damansara Heights (DH)
3. Damansara Jaya (DJ)

Serving of Rojak
Serving of Rojak

Here is my take of the Damansara Heights rojak.

It is situated in a quiet corner of Damansara Heights, hardly any traffic to capture attention. Location is not in its favor, yet the stall has quite a pool of customers, mainly office workers (and offices are quite a distant away). It is operated by an elderly couple and the stall is on a sidecar in front of a restaurant.

The take away packet that I had is sprinkled with a generous portion of peanut and in the inside, it has lots of pineapple and other pungent fruits. The har koh is not very strong in flavor but I think it has a good consistency. They had the good sense of packaging the take-away in Styrofoam box as to avoid self inflicted injury or create a mess similar to the Exxon Valdez if the skewers penetrate the Styrofoam.

I think it stands between the Damasara Utama and Damansara Jaya in more ways than one. Moderate in flavor, not as fruity as DJ, har koh not as thick as DU, overall taste and ranking is between both as well.

Choose your poison.

Food: 8/10
Service: 8/10
Value: 7/10

Remarks: RM3 for a small and RM4 for a large.

Location: N 03° 08.990' E 101° 30.685' Batai, Damansara Heights, Kuala Lumpur

Getting there: Right behind Hock Lee Mini Market, in front of Restoran Seng Lee within the Batai Parking.

The Front
The Front

Located in front of Restoran Seng Lee
Located in front of Restoran Seng Lee

Originally published at tasek.net on the 23rd of January, 2007. Re-published with permission.

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