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Auntie Koh's Cendol Print
(82 votes)
Last Updated ( Friday, 18 November 2016 )

I have all the time been contented with the Masjid Tanah Cendol until I tasted Auntie Koh's Cendol of which I rated the overall cendol one notch above the Masjid Tanah cendol after my visit to the stall. I was however relief that I can get good cendol nearby instead of having to drive all the way to Masjid Tanah.

Aunty Koh's Cendol
Aunty Koh's Cendol

To be fair, the Masjid Tanah cendol ( green colour cendol pieces ) is far more superior in taste than Auntie Koh's. A combination of both will make it Class 1.

Masjid Tanah is further away from Melaka central and Auntie Koh's stall is nearer for Melaka central residence.

However, it is not a stall that you can take lightly and go to the stall whenever you feel like it. The stall is only opened on SAT & SUNDAY 12noon till sold out. ( usually by 2pm if you are lucky). Two days and 4 hours in a week. So critical is the opening hour that you need to plan in advance and time your travelling in order to reach there before the stall closes. The coconut santan is so rich and the gula melaka is fragrant. Your first taste of the cendol will taste heavenly. It taste like you are eating fresh coconut off the coconut tree. What a creation, and that is how good the cendol tastes.

Small Bowl - RM2.50
Big bowl - RM3.50

I have not tasted the Peranakan Tai Bak before so I ordered one small bowl to taste. After the cendol, of course Tai Bak is simply plain and uninteresting. But for sheer experience I ordered a small bowl.

Auntie Koh also sells Tai Bak besides Cendol. Tai Bak is made of rice flour, tapioca and wheat flour and its shape is like cendol in white and red colour serve in plain pandan syrup and not coconut santan. It's a very Peranakan dessert.

Location: Tricky if you not local.

Coming from Tengkera, turn right at Batang Tiga Polis Station Traffic Light to Bukit Rambai. Go straight until you pass Kong Hock Keng Temple on your right ( red signboard). As soon as you see the temple signboard, drive slowly as the bungalow house is only 200 meters away after the temple.

Aunty Koh's stall
Aunty Koh's stall

For a moment you may wonder whether you can drive into somebody's house compound. But really, it's OK and natural to drive straight into the bungalow compound and park anywhere near the stall on the bungalow open space. Look out for a field of pandan leaves plant under a rambutan tree. I believe she will never run short of pandan leaves supply.

It is located next to a school in Bukit Rambai. The house compound is big and Auntie Koh stall is right in front of a bungalow house within the fenced compound. A big sign " Aunty Koh Cendol" is hung outside the fence. She prepares the cendol all by herself without any help and you may have to be patient to wait for your turn. Waiting makes you hunger for the cendol more...


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