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Bukit China Mee Rebus Print
(42 votes)
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 November 2016 )

Have you ever had Mee Rebus, or anything else for that matter, just beside a graveyard? Believe it or not, you can experience it at Bukit China, Melaka. Read on to find out how spooky (or not) it is!

Bukit China Mee Rebus
Bukit China Mee Rebus

First of all, I don't think the stalls that I am about to mention have any official name to them. Since it is located at the fringes of Bukit China, so I just call them with reference to Bukit China.

There are 2 stalls here. One sells Mee Rebus, Rojak and Mee Rojak. The other stall sells only Cendol.

I don't quite know how to describe in detail Mee Rebus, so I just quote a section taken from Wikipedia

"The dish is made of yellow egg noodles, which are also used in Hokkien mee, with a spicy slightly sweet curry-like gravy. The gravy is made from potatoes, curry powder, water, salted soya beans, dried shrimps, and peanuts. The dish is garnished with a hard boiled egg, calamansi limes, spring onions, Chinese celery, green chillies, fried firm tofu (tau kwa), fried shallots and bean sprouts"

I believe that this dish is popular in the southern part of Malaysia, namely Johor and Melaka. It can be found in other states, but I don't see it very often. I grew up in Johor, and there is this great Mee Rebus stall that moved a few times till I have lost track of where it is now. If I remember correctly, it started out at the stall in the old Jalan Trus bus station, and later moved to Kotaraya. Since then, I have never tasted (or smelled for that matter) a delicious Mee Rebus till this one at Bukit China.

When the dish arrived, the smell of it was really nostalgic. Even before tasting it, I could already tell that this is gonna be really delicious. And true enough, this is the best Mee Rebus that I have had in a very long time. The kuah is thick and tasty. The ingredients are served at just the right amount. Not too much taugeh as some I have eaten before. The friend flour thing (I'm sorry I can't remember what it is called) is just nice, not too tough. I used to not like eating the chopped green chilli, but this time, I pretty much appreciate it as it adds to the aroma and taste.

The cendol is the only drink/dessert served here. It is quite good, especially after a delicious meal of Mee Rebus. And the prices are pretty reasonable as well. The Mee Rebus costs RM2.00, and the cendol costs RM1.00.

Mee Rebus with Cendol
Mee Rebus with Cendol

And the most interesting part is that you will be eating among the "dead". As many of you know, Bukit China is now a Chinese cemetary. The tables are laid out among the graves. OK, I'm not exactly sure if they are authentic or not, as there are no markings on the stone. But it does add some spookyness and "spice" to it. However, there are some real graves a stone's throw away from the stall.

The map below is an approximate location of the stalls. The nearest landmark that I saw is the Hang Li Po well, which is not far from it.

There is only one word to describe the experience: Heavenly!

Mee Rebus Stall
Mee Rebus Stall

Cendol Stall
Cendol Stall


Reference: Mee Rebus from Wikipedia

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