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Chung Wah Chicken Rice Ball Print
(75 votes)
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 November 2016 )


When one visits the historic city of Malacca, one of the most popular food to eat is the chicken rice ball, where the chicken rice is shaped into balls. Located right in the heart of Malacca city, just beside the famous Jonker Street, no wonder this place is very popular.

Chicken Rice Ball
Chicken Rice Ball

Keywords: Chicken Rice Ball, Malacca, Melaka 

I have been here a few times, but this is the first time I took pictures of it. I visited the place during the super-long weekend (from 20th Dec 2007 - Hari Raya Haji till 25th Dec 2007 - Christmas) which is also the year-end school holidays and boy this place was packed. When I went there to eat and the other times when I walked or drove past it, it was full with a long queue on the outside. This people just won't stop - rain or shine.

Immediately after you are seated, the worker will ask for your order. Usually they ask how many people and how much chicken you would like to have. For 2 people, they usually recommend half a chicken while for 4 people, they recommend either 3/4 or a full chicken. The chicken rice ball is always ready, so you can always ask for more anytime. Only white chicken is available, and there are no side dishes as far as I know.

Depending on the crowd, you would probably have to wait between 5-15 minutes for yours to arrive. As with some of the popular chicken rice shops, they are particularly stingy on their chilli sauce. So how does it tastes like? Well, the rice is not bad. Quite tasty, but not really fantastic. Because they have left it outside for some time, it is not that hot anymore. I usually like to pour the chilli sauce onto my rice. But because it is shaped into the ball, and compressed, the chilli sauce can't really absorb into the rice. It is more like dipping the rice into the chilli sauce. 

Chicken Rice Ball Set
Chicken Rice Ball Set

The chicken is a little bit tough. Not as tough as kampung chicken, but not as tender as say, those that you get in KFC. It is actually quite tough to chew, especially the breast meat. After the meal, you probably would have gotten a good mouth exercise. The mix of soya sauce and sesame oil with the chicken is nice.

A closer look of the chicken
A closer look of the chicken

Now, the cost. For 2 people, it turned out to be about RM 15 (including drinks), while for 4 people, it was around RM30 (including drinks). A plate of 5 balls cost RM1.50. It is not cheap, and I have to say, a little bit pricey for this standard. But people (including myself) still flock to this place.  

Location: Just across the bridge in front of the Dutch Square (Stadhuys, Christ Church), opposite OCBC Bank. It is officially on Lorong Hang Jebat (First Cross Street), but it is at the start of Jonker Street (Jalan Hang Jebat). 

GPS coordinates: N 2 deg 11.696, E 102 deg 14.909 

Opening hours: I don't exactly know, but it opens for breakfast and lunch (Note: Not many places in Malacca open early for breakfast, so I guess it would open around 9am or so) 

Kedai Kopi Chung Wah
Kedai Kopi Chung Wah

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