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Kuala Lumpur Chinatown @ Petaling Street Print
Friday, 11 February 2011
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 November 2016 )

Although Chinatown is a fairly large area in downtown Kuala Lumpur, the hive of activity in Kuala Lumpur�s Chinatown is around the Petaling Street (Jalan Petaling) area. Petaling Street now spots the symbolic red arch at the main entrance that typifies Chinatowns around the globe. A canopy was built so that it would be a comfortable place to walk, rain or shine. Since there is a large Malaysian Chinese population in Malaysia, Petaling Street is seldom referred to as Chinatown by the locals.


Getting there and away

Chinatown is just around the corner of the Pasar Seni LRT station. If you are taking a taxi, tell them to take you to Petaling Street. Taxis may drop you at the other end of Petaling Street where there is no arch. To be sure that you are at the right place, look for the road sign that says �Jalan Petaling�. The street is covered by a canopy and impassable by traffic. Taxi fares should be metered. Getting away by Taxi can be a nightmare. The arch is a popular spot for taxi touts especially at night. Taxis are often parked hazardously causing congestion along the main road. The government seems powerless to control these activities. I would suggest walking away if it is not metered and take the LRT to a place that is close to your destination and take a taxi from there.
If you plan to drive, parking space is very limited. There are a few parking lots along Jalan Sultan. Or park at the Central Market.

For the rest of the article, visit Travel Insider. Reproduced with permission.

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