Home arrow Food Reviews arrow Nyonya Laksa, Bess Kopitiam Restaurant
Nyonya Laksa, Bess Kopitiam Restaurant Print
(36 votes)
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 16 November 2016 )
Best Nyonya Laksa found at Bess Kopitiam Restaurant in Malacca

Maybe by virtue of the fact that the best nyonya laksa can be found at Bess Kopitiam is easy to remember if not for the tricky spelling of the Kopitiam.

Nyonya Laksa

Locating the Kopitiam is easy. It is located near the Taman Sin Hoe wet market behind a Petronas Petrol Station just before the Malacca Library coming from the the Main Pos Office. Turn left before the Petrol station and drive behind the Petrol Station. Drive slowly around a block of shops facing the wet market and you will find the big signboard.

The Bess Kopitiam was chosen as THE BEST laksa outlet in Malaysia year 2009-2010 by the General Public in the www.fabfoodmalaysia.com.

Bess Special Roti
Bess Special Roti

Besides Laksa, you may order the " Bess Special Roti". Bess Special is made up of toast bread served with a half boil egg in the middle of the toast pieces. Quite a creative presentation for a toast. Dig your toasted bread into the half boil egg and enjoy!

Bess Kopitiam
Bess Kopitiam


378-C, Taman Sin Hoe, Bukit Baru, 75150, Melaka
Operating Hours: 7.30am-2pm
Closed every Thursday
Contact Tel 017 6188055

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